

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Field trips and more

With the end of the school year almost here we are trying to fit in every field trip possible!
Over the summer I will be babysitting 4 kids and so we wont be able to do alot of trips!!

Last week I felt like I had lots of time until school is out and today I realized I only have 2-3 weeks left!! WOW!! so...

Yesterday we took my Mom to see the Planet Earth movie!! It was fantastic. The pictures were beautiful and the story was great. They broke the movie up into several stories about different animals and showed you their journeys! I love the way it was done. The kids and I literally watched until all of the credits were done! It was that good. We tried to see it in Leesburg last week, but the AMC Theater changed the matinee showing and... Stephen got bronchitis.
He is better now!
I searched everywhere to find a daytime showing of this movie. Our evenings are impossible with baseball and church! It just wouldn't work. Finally, the search was over - OCALA had a theater with a 12:05pm showing. Yeah! So we took a 1/2 day and went. It was so great! I loved it and I am soooooo glad we decided to go.

Tomorrow (Thursday) we are going to Orlando to see "Holes" the play at the Orlando Rep. theater. This will be our 4th play this year. The kids are really excited. Stephen has read the book and watched the movie. Alyssa saw the movie. They have been discussing all week - how are they going to dig the holes? I wonder if it will have to book ending or the movie ending? I wonder who is going to play so and so?
I am so glad that they are enjoying going to see plays. I have always loved the theater, it is great to see your children liking it as well!! Tomorrow we have a special treat - Daddy is coming with us to the show!! I told him he can't back out! It is so hard for him to get away from the office, but this time WORK WILL HAVE TO WAIT!! He is even skipping a meeting for us! Yeah!!!
I wish he was able to go with us on all of our adventures!! I am looking forward to tomorrow. We are packing a lunch and will have a picnic after the show. There are beautiful trees all around the theater, which make for a perfect picnicking spot!!

Next week, we are going to St. Augustine to a field trip called "Sea, Sail and Service". It sounds fun. We will get to climb the lighthouse and there are four stations that we will learn about the service, the language of the sea, musical commands, and maritime flags. I think it sounds like lots of fun. I can't wait!! The kids are excited too.
We are struggling at keeping up with all of our schoolwork with all of these field trips, but I know they are learning alot. That is why I might do 3 more weeks of school instead of 2.
We are almost done with our books anyways. We could stop spelling and English at any time!! We only have review chapters left in both!

On the quilting front... I cant publish pictures of what I am working on because YOU MIGHT SEE YOUR GIFT!! Yikes! I am making gifts for family and friends and so... You will just have to wait and see what you get. I am a little worried about one person - I don't know if she will like the colors. I love them, but... Every one's tastes are so different. I hope she likes it! If not, I guess I could just keep it for me :)
Chloe wasn't feeling great today, but Stephen sure did get some smiles out of her. They were cracking me up. I had to grab the camera.

Alyssa wanted to make sure that I took pics of this quilt. She said that I needed to post it on my blog so - Here it is!!!

Also, check it out. I have green beans growing! They are so cute and tiny.

I love blogging. It is great to get all of my thoughts out! Detto and I have pretty much been open books! Our life always seems to be busy, but we try to stay in touch and this is a great way to do it! I will post pictures of our picnic tomorrow!!

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