This is my Process Pledge update! I'm not sure who cares, but here goes anyways!
Here is what I'm working on today...
This is a mini-quilt that am going to quilt TODAY!!! I made the backing out of scrappy fabric (I forgot to take a picture of the backing). I am going to sandwich this, pin it, and quilt it tonight! This will be a quilt for me to sell at the Ocala Womens Convention on the 26th!
Also... I have to finish sewing this top together. I am not sure if I should do a solid back or scrappy??
Here is my International Round Robin Block that I am making. I cut out and fused all of this, now I just need to finish applique'ing it to the background fabric!! I LOVE IT! I was supposed to have this send out by the 10th oops! I sent an email saying that I was running behind! I think I am going to add a border to this once it is finished to make it bigger. The bigger your starting block the bigger the finished project and I want this quilt to be HUGE!!
So that is my process update for now!
Today I plan on getting LOTS of sewing done. I cant leave the house. Alyssa and Stephen have been hackin' it up all day and night. Ugh. I might have to run to Publix for more Gatoraid and crackers!
Pray for them!
I love the rocess pledge updates! I care!!! :)
I do NOT love the pictures that are posted of me, lol. Did you see the one I posted of you?? Ha ha!!
I guess payback is only fair game!
The only reason I posted these pictures of you is because of the HORRIBLE pictures that you posted of me! HA HA!! Love ya
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