

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Reilly's 4th Birthday Party

My Niece Reilly is so cute! 
We celebrated her 4th Birthday this week at my parents house.

Reilly decided to try the cake first, just to make sure it was edible! LOL

We all got to wear butterfly masks that let us see the decorations in 3-D!(I am getting pretty tanned!) 

I love watching kids open presents.

She was so cute. 

The constant exitement was GREAT!

She loves all things princessy and anything to do with horses. 
She loved this My Little Pony book and playset!

Watching her eat cake was also fun!

The fork was taking too long, so she just bent over and chowed down! :)

She was so excited about her umbrella!She was thrilled that it was raining and she got to try it out right away!

So adorable!

She even got a working cash register...

Corinne decided to buy Jackson.
Reilly didn't miss a beat and rang him up! LOL

I was so proud of how well Reilly shared her new toys with Abby who is only 2yrs old.

Reilly had fun shopping and "working" behind the register!

These girls played with this register for hours!

My Dad joined in the fun and put on the butterfly mask! We had to get proof so that we could make fun of him for years to come. 
Hee hee hee

Reilly and her ponies are too cute!

Alyssa and Kirin playing chess. 
They both made moves that no-one has ever seen before! LOL

Princess Reilly! 
I love her sparkly skirt! 
She had to try out all of her toys and try on all of her princess-y clothes! 

Reilly and Abby decided to play...Puppies!
I played with them for awhile until my knees gave up on me! 
I have bruised sore knees now! 
I don't know how they do it.

So cute! I just love it! 
(and just in case you are wondering, her ringlets are natural!!)

Even Stephen joined in the fun of the cash register!
I love being so close to our family, where we can get together and celebrate birthdays and play!! 


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