

Monday, June 18, 2012

Around the House and More

As I was cleaning out some pictures on my laptop this weekend I found these...

Every time Abby is over she BEGS to "seep Sissy bed" (Sleep in Sissy's bed). I have said yes several times, but as soon as she actually starts to get sleepy, everything changes. She then wants to sleep in my bed. Which I don't mind at all! 
I just thought these sleepy Abby pictures were cute!

I also did some organizing in my sewing room. I am still working away on my "Quilted Hugs" project and I have found lots of inspiration in my scrap bins. 
I found a few left over four patches from a scrappy quilt that I made for Stephen and I was immediately inspired to use them to make a scrappy blue quilt. 

This is my original layout. I don't know if you can tell, but none of the blocks have been sewn together. I cut the fabric and laid it out on the design wall and this is what I came up with. I only moved a few things around, but I stuck with my original design. I only had to cut a few pieces of fabric, because 90% of the fabrics were pre-cut scraps from other quilts. 

Here is the quilt coming together.It was easy to stick with this layout because everything measured out perfectly.

And here it is...another finished quilt top.

We did quite a bit of yard work this weekend. 
We planted over 20 new plants in the yard and I finally got around to trimming my rose bushes. 
I forgot to take the "before" picture, but here is the "after".

We added the small variegated plants in the back. I think they give this a more "finished" look. 

Also, I can't remember if I took a picture of this before, but I made a top cover for this outside couch, but the bottom, um I ran out of  fabric, soI just laid the left over on their and I have to straighten it every day. I am just keeping my eye out for some matching outdoor fabric. I only paid $2 for this fabric at the thrift store, so I am not too upset about running out. 

Jasmine is so cute. I love watching her "hunting" on the porch.

Amy sent me these cute pictures of Abby helping in the yard this weekend. Amy said they could not have gotten the yard work done without Abby and Zoey's help! LOL

I LOVE THIS picture! 
She is so adorable. 
Knowing Abby, I KNOW she was REALLY trying to push her dad in the wheel barrow.


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