

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Exploring Mexico City

After a great lunch we headed out to do some sight seeing and check out the open air market.

Some people in our party didn't want to make the long walk, so they jumped in a cab!

There was soooo much to see!

The people

The stores

The huge skyscrapers

It was really neat to listen to the languages being spoken.
There were street musicians playing everywhere.

Mexico has Starbucks too!!

And McDonald's!

The street performers were everywhere.
I'm not sure what this guy was supposed to be with a death mask on???

These kids were adorable!They were dancing, singing, and playing guitar!

The architecture was amazing!

So much detail in every building.
The ironwork, the tile, the paintings, etc.

Another interesting sight was the pedal-cabs.
They were all different shapes and sizes, but there were plenty of opportunities to get off of your feet and take a ride!


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