

Friday, December 20, 2013

Jackson got hit by a car.... Warning These pictures show his stitches!

Jackson took off and decided to see if he was big enough to stop a car...

Poor baby...

Thankfully both Detto and I were home and able to take him to the vets office right away! 

Poor Baby... Juliette sat with him, 

watched over him,

and even gave him a bath!! 

He ended up having three different surgeries.

He eventually had to be put in a cone so he would stay out of his wound.

They put a drain in the wound.

He had to have stitches, staples, and then internal stitches.

We ended up keeping him drugged for three weeks so he wouldn't rip out his stitches. 

Juliette kept a close watch on him and his cone of shame! 

God was gracious to us and healed our baby! 
He is now 100% back to being a ball of fun! 

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